What's the best fitness program for you?

There is no 1 size fits all when it comes to working out

But there is 1 size fits many though. What do I mean? Well there are general "buckets" that people fall under depending on what their workout/body building goals are.

The Goal - KNOW your goal before you start any program / routine. Are you:
  • Someone who's simply looking to eat healthier?
  • Someone who's trying to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way?
  • A beginner at the gym who's looking for a solid routine?
  • An experienced body builder looking to build lean muscle?
  • An experienced body building looking to build mass?
  • A veteran looking to enhance techniques and achieve better results?
And this doesn't even cover everything! The reason I stress this point however is because you NEED to know what you're trying to achieve before starting any routine (in the gym) or regimen (in the kitchen). If you just have a vague idea of what you want you WILL:
  • Make excuses for not hitting a target on a certain day - "Oh just a few chocolates, it's not like I'm on a strict diet anyways" AND
  • Forget what you were shooting for in the first place - "Wait am I trying to cut or gain mass?"
This may sound like a trivial matter and it seems funny, but trust me when I say having a goal is the most important part to any routine or regimen.



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