Dynamic vs. Static stretching

Which one is it?!

Everyone knows the benefit of stretching before and after a workout. Cool. But should you static stretch or dynamic stretch?

First, let's take a step back. Static stretch is the traditional way - touching your toes, pushing your palms together, etc. Dynamic stretching is when you move - it's almost like a warm up. Again, I'm not one for dense scientific information so I'll get straight to the point - 

Dynamic stretching trumps static because:

1 - It activates muscles you will use during your workout. For example, a lunge with a twist is a dynamic stretching exercise that engages your hips, legs, and core muscles. 
2 - Improves range of motion. So if you feel like you can barely bend over to tie your shoes after a long day at work, a dynamic warm-up routine can help you feel more limber.
3 - Helps with motion and power. Studies reveal dynamic stretching before a workout can help you lift more weight and increase overall athletic performance compared to no stretching or static stretching.
*some information sourced from greatist

So there you have it. 

But wait, a 10 minute stretching session before and after workout is SSSOOO much time

Yea but if you don't want to hurt yourself, that's what you gotta do. However, I find that 5 minutes stretching sessions before a workout session (and without one after) is already very beneficial. So do what you gotta do! 


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